You must believe

Lately, I have noticed that there is a huge lack in belief in our society. Im not saying EVERYONE I encounter lacks belief, but I find a disturbing number do. I’m not referring to religion in this case, I’m talking about belief in yourself. The knowing that we have a kids that we can do anything we want to. The deep-seeded faith in ourselves that tells us we are capable of whatever we put our minds to. I see it with patients a work, at the gym, in my business, at the playground and even at the shops! People seem to be all too happy to tell you what the can’t do, could never do, or wished they could but can’t for whatever reason.

I reflect on my life this far and the path I have traveled and I think ‘what if I only did what I KNEW I could do?’ That thought scares me immensely. One of my biggest fears is to stop learning, to stop growing and to stop progressing. And that’s exactly what would have happened if I had stayed within my comfort zone.

And then I asked myself ‘WHY did I make the decisions and take the risks that I did?’. I thought long and hard about this….. and my answer? I have done what I have because I knew what I wanted. And I knew the only way I was going to be able to get there was if I got up and took action. 

Don’t get me wrong, I have faced some challenges over the years. I have faced obstacles….. physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual. I’ve been bedridden in hospital for months at a time, I’ve had a broken heart, I’ve made bad choices, I’ve made good choices and I’ve had successes. There one thing that got me through to where I am now is the fact that I knew what I wanted and I believed I could do it. There were moments of doubt, and those moments were generally attached to high levels of emotion, but when it came down to it, I believed I was capable of getting what I wanted. And I was right.

I don’t know where the culture of ‘I can’t’ began, but it is one that we need to change. And we can start by believing in ourselves and the teaching our children that they CAN do anything they put their mind to. I believe we are all destined for greatness. We are born and we die. It’s up to us to make the middle part amazing. Henry Ford hit the nail on the head:

‘Weather you think you can or weather you think you can’t, you’re right.’

Let’s build each other and yourselves up this week. Be encouraging and support, but most of all start believing!

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments or send me an email.

Thanks for reading! 

K x

3 thoughts on “You must believe”

  1. It would be great if we ‘all could’ and did’. However human kind is not like that. One needs those that ‘can’t’ so that those ‘can’ will succeed: and that is sad. Where does the ‘I can’t’ attitude come from? Parents protecting their children by saying you can’t do that because you’ll hurt yourself or just because the parents want full control or out of cruelty… The list could go on. It is like a dripping tap, the more you hear it, the more you start to believe it.

    However, I agree with you in that we need to start teaching our children that they can do almost anything they put their minds to or at least attempt it , and we need to help those adults that are afraid to step out.


  2. Agree! It is often not easy, but the more we push ourselves the more we are able to grow, and often help others grow with us!


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